Calculate your shading solution with our online simulation tool SimShade®.
SimShade® caters to the needs of architects, engineers, contractors and building owners alike and provides a more holistic view on the impact that different shading and glazing solutions make on the overall performance of façades. It is possible to make calculations both on façade and building level and compare different solutions.
A holistic view on glass and shading performance:
Façade and building performance:
Comparison of glass and shading solutions:
"SimShade® is upon accustomisation an easy, accessible and also very relevant tool with its ability to compare different glass and shading solutions both technically and in terms of economics.
SimShade® can help architects, engineers, contractors and building owners to get a more holistic view of the impact that the choice of glass and shading solutions has on the building's overall ability to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations for, among others, the thermal indoor climate. Also, it is a great advantage that calculations and specifications can be shared with the other parties in the building construction team."
- Bachelor of Engineering, Carl Axel Lorentzen,
"SimShade® is a great and free tool that can help you make the right glass choice. It is easy to enter data and complete the calculations."
- Technical Consultant, Mikkel Læssøe Thomsen,
SimShade® is built on two main programs: MSPEC and BPC® Workflow:
MSPEC is used to create technical and economic specifications at façade/roof level. Prices are estimated for quality products and subject to change.
The calculation engine MSPEC has been assessed and validated by Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg, Germany. The results of the MSPEC validation are documented in the report EEB3-HWR-1708-E06 and Report EEB3-BUB-2206-E01 including comparisons of MSPEC g-values, U values, and LT0 values to relevant standards and state-of-the art simulation techniques.
BPC® Workflow is used to create technical specifications on building level. The BPC® Workflow has been assessed and validated by Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg, Germany.
The results of the BPC® Workflow validation are documented in the report EEB-3-BB-1911-E03 including assessment of the physical principles and state-of-the art simulation techniques.
For more information regarding the validation details contact MicroShade A/S.